Lauren’s Transformative Wellness Journey
The Challenge: Meet Lauren, a 34-year-old professional who used to run track in college and has now been struggling with a myriad of health issues, including joint pain, poor sleep and premature aging. Frustrated with the fact that even though in her 30s she felt twice her age, Lauren embarked on a journey to find a holistic solution that could address all of her concerns.
Solutions tried: Lauren had tried many things, which brought temporary relief for specific issues, but none were a comprehensive solution to help with all of her health concerns.
- Topical ointments
- Multi-step anti-aging treatments
- Low-sodium & gluten-free diet
- Facials & chemical peels
- Physical therapy & massages
Winning with GIA: Discovering our 100% pure-collagen GIA was a turning point for Lauren. Within days of incorporating GIA in her daily regimen, Lauren noticed significant improvements to her skin and joints. After a week, Lauren was able to start working out more frequently, while noticing significant improvements to her sleep patterns.
My skin is so much more supple now, and I don’t get overly sore and achy after my workouts. GIA really made me feel the way I felt in my teens, like I’m ready to run a marathon.
Lauren reported significant improvements to her body and skin in only 7 days, results commonly reported among GIA users
What can GIA do for you?
Everyone is unique and we all respond differently to changes in our wellness routines. However, with any healthy habit, commitment is key to seeing the biggest results. Our consumer research study has shown the following examples of how taking GIA consistently has helped:*

Daily For 1 Month:
Individuals noticed positive change in their hair and nail appearance, as well as a positive increase in their physical activity comfort level.
Daily For 2 Months:
Individuals noticed positive changes in their skin elasticity, a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles and even stronger hair and nails.
Daily For 3 Months:
Individuals reported greater joint comfort and a significant improvement in their ability to maintain an active lifestyle, due to increased physical comfort and energy levels.
*Individual results may vary. The benefits stated are based on personal experiences and subjective feedback from users of GIA and may vary from person to person.